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activate & awaken your life force energy


you have always had the power within you


Kundalini awakening is not just for yogi’s …
this life force energy is​ present in all of us.

Kundalini Activation is a powerful energy transmission and experience that can activate and awaken this powerful transformational energy in you – opening your heart and mind to higher states of consciousness, intuition, power, healing while dissolving the fear, blocks and beliefs that no longer serve you.  


Taking a short pause and rest  🙂 and save the date for the upcoming SPRING Sedona Retreat, March 15-20th, 2024! Details coming – posted on January 7th!


Kundalini Activation Light Integration

Life Force Energy

the sense of powerful and unlimited energy moving through your body that can restore your connection with source and your highest state of being

Somatic Release

 spontaneous body movements  that release fears, blocks and limiting beliefs to align and restore balance  so energy can flow freely

Self Healing

energy, light and the power of sound create a resonance within your body at a cellular level to clear deep rooted blocks, restore natural flow and promote healing

Heart Opening

open and energize your heart and experience powerful coherence between your mind and heart – raising your vibration

Insight & Intuition

Access newfound clarity, creativity and confidence by connecting with your higher state of knowing vs. thinking

Mystical States

profound transcendent experiences, soul connection – retrieval, spiritual awakening, personal revelations, unitary consciousness

Lets Connect

Wendi Sharpshair

Certified KALI Energy Flow Channel
Breathwork Teacher & Trainer
Usui – Tibetan Reiki Master
Trauma Informed Somatic Coach


The thing about transformation is…..
If you’re all in, you’re never done.

You let life pull you up and forward, and you never know where that will take you, but if you let it, it takes you exactly where you need to be.

The more I tune into life and let it in, the more capacity I have to hold, expand, and share that light and energy. I’m grateful that life has invited me to so many teachers and practices that pulled me up and forward …from traditional kundalini yoga, meditation, reiki, breathwork, and now KALI.

KALi – Kundalini Activation Light Integration is the most powerful loving and transformational energy I have worked with so far. Call it the G O D self, chi, prana, shakti, life force, sacred energy, or kundalini…

It’s the inner switch we’ve all been searching for. Once activated, you regain a strong connection to who you really are the one without the wounds, the one beyond fears and insecurities, the one that knows, the one that loves unconditionally… the one that is tuned in and truly free. And so much more – you just have to experience it.

I’ll be sharing more about it, offering sessions as much as I can OC & and LA, and hope to see you and share it with you


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